Today I am joining a blog circle comprised of some amazing, creative women from all over the world.  In deference to February, we have chosen the topic of Love.  Each blog post will be thoughts and musings on that same topic, each from the perspective of a different creative soul.  How’s that for an uplifting way to spend a bit of time… traveling across the globe reading about love?

Love is a pretty huge topic to tackle in so many ways.  My thoughts are always more visual than verbal so I decided to express an aspect of love in that way.  You may know that I have a collection of Inner Aperture note cards that feature carefully selected quotes and images whose purpose is to inspire, strengthen, uplift, center the receiver.   For this post, I have designed a new Inner Aperture card that expresses my philosophy on our ability to share our love with the world.  I’ve always felt that what we do day to day, minute by minute, right in our immediate surroundings with the people who are part of those moments has great potential to make a difference in the world.  If each person were to slow down and do good, share love, right where they are, the world would, indeed, be a better place.  Large acts of love, yes, are important but  too often we dismiss and grossly undervalue how much a kind word, a smile, a gentle touch, can make a difference to someone.

I chose to use this Lichen Mandala that I created a few weeks ago for Mandala Monday because it portrays a very ordinary, everyday thing, lichens on a tree.  They are quite common and ordinary but exquisitely beautiful when you really look at the colors and the patterns.  When transformed into a mandala, that beauty is multiplied and spreads off the edge of the mandala.  It seemed the perfect mandala, along with the wonderful quote from Desmond Tutu, to express how significant and, yet, so simple it can be for us to share our love with the world.


Good Overwhelms_©GSHaile

To continue the blog circle, head over to Jean Wagner’s blog , A Change of Art.

Enjoy your blog travels around the world and surround yourself and those around you with love!


Here’s the entire circle in case you get sidetracked. 🙂

1. Becky Cavender

2. Amy Riddle

3. Karrlin Bain

4. Naz Laila

5. Debi Minter

6. Chandra Merod

7. Nancy Lennon

8. Laly Mille –

9. Kathie Gadd

10. Gail Haile

11. Jean Wagner