My favorite patterns in Yellowstone were those made by water. In the last couple of posts, I’ve shared images of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, both panoramic images of the grand scenes as well as images of patterns created by the trees of those parks.
I am a water person. Everything about water fascinates me and being near water connects with something deep in my soul. Water is found in all forms in the parks from the snow and glaciers that cover the high peaks, to the rushing streams and waterfalls, to the steam rising from the hot springs.
Those hot springs provided some of the most interesting colors and patterns. Some of the colors were present due to the minerals in the water, others were evidence of thermophiles that thrive in hot environments. Whatever the source, I was fascinated with the gorgeous colors and patterns I saw.
I had a hard time choosing just a few water patterns, so next time I’ll share a few more.
Can you choose a favorite?
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