Another Friday and the chance to share with you some work and artists, that inspire me.

Ella Putney Carlson is not a recent “Find” but a friend that I first met by sitting behind her in a Photoshop class about five years ago.  We’ve sat in several classes together since then and I am always inspired by her and her work.  Next week, I’m happy to be attending a class that she is teaching.

Five years ago when we first met, she had just completed a series of complex images with dancers.  I’d never seen anything like what she was doing and the skill with which she created those images was astounding.

From the Dancer Series - Ella Putney Carlson

From the Dancer Series – Ella Putney Carlson

Her more recent work is just as exquisite and shows her meticulous level of skill and vision. 

Scars Series by Ella Putney Carlson

Scars Series by Ella Putney Carlson

This is my favorite from the Scars series.  It’s so abstract, yet detailed.  I can look at it many times and see something different each time.  And it leaves me wanting to know more. 

From the Scars Series - Ella Putney Carlson

From the Scars Series – Ella Putney Carlson

The Reconsiderations series are all images of tea, highly manipulated.  

Reconsiderations Series - Ella Putney Carlson

Reconsiderations Series – Ella Putney Carlson

Ella inspires me with her amazing mastery of Photoshop and other digital imaging methods, I always learn something from her.  And yet, time and time again, she is sitting in a class to learn from  others.

I am most inspired by her unfailing quest to push herself and her work in new directions.

Spend some time with the works on her siteand see if you are inspired as well.