Jay Maisel is a photographer that I learned about when studying the history of photography in college.  So his work is not really new to me, though I hadn’t really spent time enjoying it in a long time.  And I did enjoy his work.  He has a very keen eye for details that would go unnoticed by many.


©Jay Maisel

What this Friday Find is really about is a video that I recently viewed in which Maisel talks about “How to Be a Better Photographer.”   If you’re not a photographer, don’t worry, it applies to simply being a human as well.    It’s a short video, only 2:43 minutes, but it is rich with wisdom.

Some of his advice:

“Be open.

Be open to what is in front of you.”

“Walk slow, slower that you’re walking.” 

“I’m trying no to look for anything.  I’m trying to have it come to me. “

Spend a few minutes looking at his work and listening to his advice.  It will be time well spent.

Jay Maisel website: https://www.jaymaisel.com/

Jay Maisel on How to Be a Better Photographer: https://vimeo.com/116692462