Piseco Lake is in the southern portion of the Adirondack mountains of New York state. It’s a place that holds memories of many special times with our family. For ten years, each summer, we rented the same cabin for a week, the same cabin that looks out on this view.
I’ve been working for some time with images of water as well as long exposure images. Several weeks ago, I made a point to drive up to Piseco Lake to try and capture that beautiful spot and the feelings that it holds for me. I was rewarded with a spectacular light show that evening, not a showy sunset but gentle, quiet colors that better suited my feelings about Piseco. There’s another word for twilight that I just love. It shows up in Scottish stories a lot … the gloaming. The colors that night were exactly what I always envision when I hear that word.
The first image is a straight photograph with a “regular” exposure, that stops any movement and freezes the moment. In the second two images I played a bit with a longer exposure, about a second or two, and moved the camera while pushing the shutter. For me, the long exposure images have more emotion embedded in them and are closer to expressing how I feel about that place. Does one of these speak to you more than the others?
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